Update 9/3/2021
The improvement discussed in this post is now available as a WUM update which was released on 22nd February 2021 for WSO2 Identity Server 5.10.0. This is improvement is also expected to be shipped with the WSO2 Identity Server 5.12.0.
WSO2 Identity Server Features that have been improved to specifically support the multi-attribute log-in capability are:
1. Username/password Application Authenticator
2. Username/password RequestPath Authenticator
3. Identifier-first log-in handler
4. OAuth 2.0 Password Grant hander
5. Authentication Rest API
6. Rest API BasicAuth handler
7. WS-Trust Password Callback handler
8. Password recovery
WSO2 Identity Server Features that have not yet been improved to specifically support the multi-attribute log-in capability are:
1. Self-registration
2. JIT provisioning
3. Management console username/password log-in
4. Username recovery
Along with the WUM update for 5.10.0 and release of 5.12.0, a migration tool will also be released to migrate existing deployments that use one or more types of user attributes such as email address, mobile number and/or any other user attribute as the ‘username attribute’, to migrate to use a system generated UUID as the ‘username attribute’ and copy over the existing username attribute values to suitable attributes in the user’s profile.